
Wellbeing and Nurture UK

At Shatterlocks, we believe that having a good sense of wellbeing is at the heart of being ready to learn. 

We follow the 6 Principles of Nurture UK to ensure that children feel safe at our school and to support them when they are feeling vulnerable.

Six principles graphic


Nurture UK

What is nurture?

The concept of nurture highlights the importance of social environments – who you’re with, and not who you’re born to – and its significant influence on social emotional skills, wellbeing and behaviour. Children and young people who have a good start in life are shown to have significant advantages over those who have experienced missing or distorted early attachments. They tend to do better at school, attend regularly, form more meaningful friendships and are significantly less likely to offend or experience physical or mental health problems.

The nurturing approach offers a range of opportunities for children and young people to engage with missing early nurturing experiences, giving them the social and emotional skills to do well at school and with peers, develop their resilience and their capacity to deal more confidently with the trials and tribulations of life, for life.

The graduated approach to nurture

Our graduated approach to nurture ensures that every child in the school has the opportunity to flourish in their education. It ensures that every child has access to the support they need, when they need it. Whether they enter the education system with early childhood trauma, or experience it during their time in education, we work to measure and support the social, emotional and mental health of all children, so no child falls through the cracks.

Graduated approach graphicThe Boxall Profile

For the assessment of children and young people’s social emotional wellbeing.

Please see the downloads at the bottom of this page for more information on the Boxall Profile and how we use this to support the wellbeing of our pupils.


Where to find support:

The Kent Resilience Hub

Free and helpful resources to support communities, parents and carers and young people.

Every Mind Matters

NHS website with tips for supporting children and young people's mental wellbeing.


Kooth PLC is a digital mental health and wellbeing company working to provide a welcoming space for digital mental health care, available to all.


Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 25 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools and also have a great parent support area.

The Contented Child

The Contented Child is a South-East based company that offers parents/carers and professionals a wide range of training, consultancy and resource based packages aimed at nurturing the whole child. Our consultants have a wide range of experience including Autism, ADHD, Emotional Wellbeing, Dyslexia and Early Years.

Home - The Contented Child


Page Downloads Date  
Boxall Profile Leaflet 30th Jan 2023 Download
Shatterlocks as a Nurture School! 05th Jun 2023 Download